Fleming II Bonus model in Silver Landing at SilverLeaf, St. Augustine, FL, Real Estate

The Fleming II Bonus is a 2,730 ft2 single family home model with 5 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms.

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Other Models in Silver Landing at SilverLeaf

Model Beds Baths Size
Avalon 4 3.0 2,493 ft2
Avalon II 5 3.0 2,874 ft2
Avondale 3 2.0 1,864 ft2
Boca 4 3.0 2,754 ft2
Boca II 4 4.0 3,285 ft2
Camden Bonus 4 3.0 2,215 ft2
Charlie 3 2.0 2,126 ft2
Crane 2 2.0 1,239 ft2
Driftwood 4 3.0 2,423 ft2
Edison 4 3.0 2,289 ft2
Edison II 4 3.0 2,289 ft2
Egret 3 2.1 1,443 ft2
Fleming II 5 3.0 2,330 ft2
Heron 2 2.0 1,291 ft2
Ortega 5 4.0 3,400 ft2
St. Johns 5 3.5 2,956 ft2
Stockton 4 2.1 2,036 ft2
Vilano 4 3.0 2,500 ft2
Wingate 3 2.0 1,394 ft2
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Recent Sales of the Fleming II Bonus model in Silver Landing at SilverLeaf

Recent Sales of the Fleming II Bonus model in Silver Landing at SilverLeaf

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