Most Affordable Condo Communities in Port Richey, FL

We have calculated the most affordable condo buildings/communities in Port Richey based on the median sale prices of homes. The Port Richey condo buildings/communities with the lowest average home sale price was Royal Richey Village with an average of $67,500. All the Port Richey condo buildings are listed below with links to view the homes for sale in the buildings.

Royal Richey Village
Gulfview Villas Condominiums
Eagles Point Condominiums
Orchards of Radcliff
Fairway Villas
Forest Lake Condomiums
Dollar Lake Village
Chateau Village
Linkside Village
Sand Pebble Pointe Condominiums

Least Expensive Condos for Sale in Port Richey

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Condo Communities in Port Richey

Community Median Price

Chateau Village

Chateau Village is an active adult 55+ condo community in the Timber Oaks neighborhood of Port Richey, Florida, built between 1982 and 1987. It currently has 2 condos for sale with an average list price of $164,500. The homes range in size from 1,051 ft2 to 1,395 ft2. The average annual property tax for Chateau Village is $927.15. It is located in Pasco county.
Median Price: $170,000

Dollar Lake Village

Dollar Lake Village is an active adult 55+ condo community in Port Richey, Florida, built between 1980 and 1984. It currently has 8 condos for sale with an average list price of $182,312.50. The homes range in size from 978 ft2 to 1,386 ft2. The average annual property tax for Dollar Lake Village is $977.68. It is located in Pasco county.
Median Price: $159,000

Eagles Point Condominiums

Eagles Point Condominiums is an active adult 55+ condo community in Port Richey, Florida, built between 1980 and 1981. It currently has 4 condos for sale with an average list price of $154,450. The homes range in size from 1,320 ft2 to 1,446 ft2. The average annual property tax for Eagles Point Condominiums is $931.23. It is located in Pasco county.
Median Price: $80,000

Fairway Villas

Fairway Villas is an active adult 55+ condo and single-family home community in the Timber Oaks neighborhood of Port Richey, Florida, built between 1974 and 1980. It currently has 13 condos for sale with an average list price of $140,461.54. The homes range in size from 714 ft2 to 1,410 ft2. The average annual property tax for Fairway Villas is $869.52. It is located in Pasco county.
Median Price: $140,000

Forest Lake Condomiums

Forest Lake Condomiums is a condo community in Port Richey, Florida, built between 1981 and 1991. It currently has 8 condos for sale with an average list price of $154,650. The homes range in size from 1,010 ft2 to 1,640 ft2. The average annual property tax for Forest Lake Condomiums is $994.66. It is located in Pasco county.
Median Price: $145,000

Gulfview Villas Condominiums

Gulfview Villas Condominiums is a condo and single-family home community in Port Richey, Florida, built between 1982 and 1986. It currently has 3 condos for sale with an average list price of $124,800. The homes range in size from 894 ft2 to 1,075 ft2. The average annual property tax for Gulfview Villas Condominiums is $748.28. It is located in Pasco county.
Median Price: $72,999

Linkside Village

Linkside Village is an active adult 55+ condo community in Port Richey, Florida, built between 1981 and 1987. It currently has 3 condos for sale with an average list price of $235,833.33. The homes range in size from 1,185 ft2 to 1,646 ft2. The average annual property tax for Linkside Village is $1,236.17. It is located in Pasco county.
Median Price: $236,000

Orchards of Radcliff

Orchards of Radcliff is an active adult 55+ condo and single-family home community in Port Richey, Florida, built between 1981 and 1986. It currently has 2 single family homes for sale with an average list price of $162,450 and 7 condos for sale with an average list price of $176,342.71. The homes range in size from 1,149 ft2 to 1,338 ft2. The average annual property tax for Orchards of Radcliff is $729.17. It is located in Pasco county.
Median Price: $135,000

Royal Richey Village

Royal Richey Village is a condo community in Port Richey, Florida, built between 1977 and 1980. It currently has 4 condos for sale with an average list price of $86,125. The homes range in size from 547 ft2 to 1,175 ft2. The average annual property tax for Royal Richey Village is $784.40. It is located in Pasco county.
Median Price: $67,500

Sand Pebble Pointe Condominiums

Sand Pebble Pointe Condominiums is a condo community in Port Richey, Florida, built between 1982 and 1986. It currently has 27 condos for sale with an average list price of $297,222.22 and 1 lot for sale with a list price of $3,200,000. The homes range in size from 1,025 ft2 to 1,786 ft2. The average annual property tax for Sand Pebble Pointe Condominiums is $2,869.78. It is located in Pasco county.
Median Price: $262,000
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